Author: Liv

Business & Leadership

Values-based Leadership

I’m fresh out of my second Leadership and Organizational Change class, and values are fresh on my mind. Today, we spent a lot of time reflecting on and evaluating our personal values, something that I thought I was already ahead of the curve on, but my mind = blown, and I want to jot some thoughts down to solidify them as I eat some snacks before Financial Accounting.

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Spatial Computing

I’m Saying Farewell to the Metaverse

In my last blog post, I ended the post with a snarky comment about how much we talk about defining ‘the metaverse’ instead of addressing the underlying problems. I’ve recently been exposed to a new-to-me idea that expands my understanding of how lexicon is important, because it can fundamentally change how it informs our work.

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Random Thoughts, Spatial Computing

Metaverse, Mulitverse, Eitherverse, Anyverse

Metaverse is a helpful term. It encompasses a wide range of related, emergent technologies in a way that – in theory – can help someone visualize what the output of “connected 3D worlds accessed through specialized hardware that allow users to interact as avatars and participate in a global economies for fun and for play.” In most instantiations of the metaverse in science fiction, the metaverse appears largely like our own world, copied into a

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Communication, Random Thoughts

Hacking your Brain’s Input Processing

Because “Hacking your Brain” sounds way cooler than “Taking Notes” I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately. Someone yesterday asked me what kind of writing I did, and as I listed off my side projects, my husband chimed in with a reminder that I also wrote really good notes. Huh. Up until last night, I had never really considered note taking as part of the writing that I do. I’ve got several novels in-progress,

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Random Thoughts

Quantum Creativity

There are three pieces of media that have been calling out to me recently, in what I interpret as an inner battle being waged between my soul and my ego1. It’s an eclectic crew, but inspiration strikes in uncertain places when you’re open to its messaging. So today, I’m here to talk to you about my idea of quantum creativity, and its origins in Outer Wilds, Big Magic, and Frozen 2. Mild spoilers ahead. Buckle

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Communication, Random Thoughts

Talking to Pets

I talk a lot. The thing about talking a lot is that people generally assume that I’m talking because I want to be heard and listened to. Surely someone who is rambling on – and on – and on wants to be heard, right? That’s what we’re socialized to believe about communication. Why speak, if you aren’t trying to be listened to? Most times, though, I’m not speaking to be listened to. I’m speaking to

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Random Thoughts

Product Management

I came across a Twitter thread authored by Ken Norton, a former Google Product Manager who coaches and writes about product management, this morning. The thread explores a sentiment that I’ve been feeling quite a lot recently, with an exciting proposal to actually enact something I’ve been telling my friends and peers that I’ve been wanting. I started to reply on the Twitter thread before realizing that I had more words to say, so I

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